{[14012501, The three young clerics… headed for the Catacombs, to seek Kindling.]} {[56000000, ...Mmn...ahh...]} {[56000010, ...Aah...mmn...]} {[56000020, ...Hmm...mm...]} {[56000100, ...This may strike thine ear as somewhat peculiar, but...]} {[56000110, Long ago, in my homeland of Oolacile, I was beset by a creature from the Abyss.]} {[56000120, I would have perished then, were it not for the great knight Artorias.]} {[56000130, In truth, I saw little of what transpired, for mine senses were already fled!]} {[56000140, But even still, there was something about Artorias... A certain balance of the humours...]} {[56000150, ...That quite perfectly fits your semblance.]} {[56000160, Heavens, could it be that...]} {[56000170, ...]} {[56000180, Oh, dear me. That was Oolacile, many centuries ago.]} {[56000190, Please excuse my fanciful musings. ]} {[56000200, Excuse me for such whimsical utterances.]} {[56000210, Only, it was so very odd...]} {[56000220, You, and Artorias. I owe my life to each of you. And both seem to share some resonance of sorts...]} {[56000230, Perhaps it is the nature of true greatness.]} {[56000300, I still think on that creature from the Abyss that preyed upon me.]} {[56000310, My faculties were far from lucid, but I quite clearly sensed certain emotions.]} {[56000320, A wrenching nostalgia, a lost joy, an object of obsession, and a sincere hope to reclaim it...]} {[56000330, Could these thoughts belong to the beast from the Abyss?]} {[56000340, But if that were true, then perhaps it is no beast after all?]} {[56000350, Oh, please forgive my ramblings.]} {[56000360, It's just that, I wish to know the truth.]} {[56000370, And no one, not even loving Elizabeth, will tell me.]} {[56005000, Aah...]} {[56005010, Eek!]} {[57000000, ...Whatever thou art, stay away...]} {[57000010, ...Soon, I will be consumed...]} {[57000020, ...By them, by the Dark...]} {[57000030, Oogh...]} {[57000040, Grrah!]} {[57000050, Hrgg, hrgggrah!]} {[57000100, ...Thou art strong, human...]} {[57000110, ...Surely thine kind are more than pure Dark...]} {[57000120, ...I beg of thee...the spread of the Abyss... ...it must be stopped...]} {[57000130, Cough!]} {[57000140, ...Ah, Sif, there you are, all of you...Forgive me...]} {[57000150, ...For I have availed you nothing...]} {[57005000, Hrgg...]} {[57005010, Hrggraaah!]} {[57005020, Hrggraaah!]} {[57005100, Hrgkt!]} {[57005110, Ergkt!]} {[57005120, Hrgg!]} {[57005200, Hrggraaah!]} {[57005210, Hrggraaah!]} {[57005220, Hrggraaah!]} {[58000000, Hm? A visitor, have we?]} {[58000010, Thou must be the one who freed Artorias.]} {[58000020, An old friend he was, and thanks to thee...]} {[58000030, He left this world with honour intact.]} {[58000040, ...And here I am, retired and blind.]} {[58000050, Of little help to thee, I am afraid.]} {[58000100, Well, thou hast come again. This is a surprise.]} {[58000200, Well, thou com'st again. Thou art a strange one.]} {[58000300, Good morrow...Is the Black Dragon posing thee duress?]} {[58000400, Yes, I thought as much.]} {[58000410, He is called Kalameet.]} {[58000420, A ferocious dragon indeed, even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire.]} {[58000430, I see little good coming from this, but...]} {[58000440, ...Thy intent is to persevere... to the bitter end, hmm?]} {[58000500, Hah hah hah!]} {[58000510, Good, good. What is bravery, without a dash of recklessness!]} {[58000520, I have taken a liking to thee.]} {[58000530, And I owe thee much for thy service to Artorias. Now watch, and see how Gough hunts dragons.]} {[58000540, Hrrmmm...]} {[58000550, Haah!]} {[58000560, Hah hah! Yes, a truer shot was never loosed!]} {[58000570, That bat will be grounded for a good spell!]} {[58000580, The rest is in thine hands. I await good tidings.]} {[58000590, Ahh, dragon slaying. Knighthood's highest calling...]} {[58000600, ...Strange. I am rarely wrong on such matters...]} {[58000700, A wise choice. Why foist thyself unto the fiery maw?]} {[58000800, The Black Dragon troubles you yet, I see.]} {[58000900, ...Hmm, yes, I see. I was mistaken...]} {[58001000, ...Art thou prepared to challenge great Kalameet?]} {[58001100, Yes, surely that is best.]} {[58001200, Ah, hello there. What of Kalameet?]} {[58001210, He is an ancient dragon. Skyward or no, he will not be put down easily.]} {[58001300, Why, thou hast defeated Kalameet!]} {[58001310, Wondrously played. Lord Gwyn's blessing upon thee.]} {[58001320, That beast will never take to the skies again.]} {[58001400, Farewell, human.]} {[58001410, Lead thy life as thou seest fit.]} {[58001500, Farewell, human.]} {[58001510, I await good tidings.]} {[58001600, Farewell, proud human.]} {[58001610, May every honour be bestowed upon thee.]} {[58001700, If thou seeketh to explore this domain, be wary of a black dragon.]} {[58001710, I fear thee no match for this terrible beast.]} {[58001800, I should confer...If thine was the blade to which Artorias fell.]} {[58001810, Then thou must be wary of Ciaran.]} {[58001820, She had strong feelings for the great Artorias.]} {[58001830, The poor, poor girl.]} {[58001900, Me?]} {[58001910, There is very little to be said.]} {[58001920, What good is a dog, with no hares to hunt?]} {[58001930, ...I am lucky to be alive, I suppose.]} {[58002000, Now, do not mistake my words.]} {[58002010, I cherish my work. Wood carving is a nuanced art.]} {[58002020, I would have much to talk about with that blacksmith.]} {[58002030, In truth, how is the old chap, I wonder?]} {[58002040, Still hammering away, I should hope.]} {[58002100, The dragons shall never be forgotten...]} {[58002110, We knights fought valiantly, but for every one of them, we lost three score of our own.]} {[58002120, Exhilaration, pride, hatred, rage... The dragons teased out our dearest emotions.]} {[58002130, ...Thou will understand, one day.]} {[58002140, At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia.]} {[58002200, Ahh, this Greatbow?]} {[58002210, I shan't need it, with no dragons to hunt.]} {[58002220, I know not if a human could even operate it, but here...]} {[58002230, Thy need outweighs mine.]} {[58002300, Hm? A visitor, have we?]} {[58002310, Thou must be the one who freed Artorias.]} {[58002320, An old friend he was, and thanks to thee...]} {[58002330, He left this world with honour intact.]} {[58002340, And I see that the great black dragon Kalameet is dusted by thine hand.]} {[58002350, Wondrously played. Lord Gwyn's blessing upon thee.]} {[58002360, I am retired, and blind.]} {[58002370, To receive a visit by one as lofty as thyself, is a great honour indeed.]} {[58002400, I see that thou hast dusted the great black dragon Kalameet.]} {[58002410, Wondrously played. Lord Gwyn's blessing upon thee.]} {[58002420, I see that there is at least one legend among ye humans.]} {[58002430, Dear me... That old bat will never fly again.]} {[58002500, Thou com'st again, legend of humans.]} {[58002510, It is always an honour to speak with thee.]} {[58002600, I suspect thou hast taken a gander at it,]} {[58002610, But the Dark of the Abyss, which swallowed poor Artorias, threatens to devour our entire land of Oolacile.]} {[58002620, It seems that this dire fate is unavoidable.]} {[58002630, But, seduced by a Dark serpent or no,]} {[58002640, They awoke that thing themselves, and drove it mad.]} {[58002650, ...One's demise is always one's own making.]} {[58002700, If thine wish is to succeed poor Artorias, and challenge the spread of the Dark,]} {[58002710, Then thou must face Manus, Father of the Abyss.]} {[58002720, The Dark emanates from Manus himself.]} {[58002730, Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion.]} {[58002740, ...But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain.]} {[58002750, And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that.]} {[58005000, Cease this.]} {[58005010, Stop it, I say.]} {[58005020, Understand this. I wish thee no harm.]} {[58005030, Stop that!]} {[58005040, By the Gods!]} {[58005100, Ahh, so this is true human nature.]} {[58005110, Artorias is in your debt, but thou leavest me little choice...]} {[58005120, May you perish, for the good of all!]} {[58005200, Mmgraah!]} {[58005210, Mmgraah!]} {[58005220, Hahh...]} {[58005300, Oog!]} {[58005310, Ooph!]} {[58005320, Hrg!]} {[58005400, Arrgggg!]} {[58005410, Humans...hmph...]} {[58005420, What vile creatures...]} {[58006000, Hello]} {[58006001, Thank you]} {[58006002, Very good!]} {[58006003, I'm sorry!]} {[58006004, Help me!]} {[59000000, Hm...Oh, let me guess...]} {[59000010, Snatched by a shadowy limb, and dragged off to the past?]} {[59000100, Yes, of course. Exactly what happened to me.]} {[59000110, We are both strangers in this strange land.]} {[59000120, But, at least now there are two of us.]} {[59000200, Oh, well, my mistake...]} {[59000210, But we are both travellers.]} {[59000220, We ought to help one another out.]} {[59000300, Oh, still alive, are you?]} {[59000310, Think of anything that you might need?]} {[59000400, Oh, for Juniper's sake.]} {[59000410, Put some spring into your step!]} {[59000420, Mwah hah hah!]} {[59000500, Oh, you again...]} {[59000510, What ever's the matter? No, I can tell. You need me more than ever.]} {[59000520, Mwah hah hah!]} {[59000600, So long.]} {[59000700, So long.]} {[59000710, ...We'll be seeing each other...]} {[59000720, Gee hee hee!]} {[59000800, Did you happen across Knight Artorias?]} {[59000810, The legendary Abysswalker, from the old tales.]} {[59000820, ...Well, if you haven't, it's just as well...]} {[59000830, He's a colourless sort, if you ask me.]} {[59000840, Mwah hah hah!]} {[59000900, Did you really slay Knight Artorias?]} {[59000910, I'd heard the Abyss found him first, but even still...]} {[59000920, That's absolutely treacherous.]} {[59000930, Yes, magnificently so!]} {[59000940, Mwah hah hah!]} {[59001000, So, what did that giant mushroom make you do?]} {[59001010, Not that I care. It's none of my business.]} {[59001020, But I do wonder about those sorceries of hers...]} {[59001030, Heh heh heh...]} {[59001100, Hm? I've little to talk about, really.]} {[59001110, Oh, you know me. What do I know?]} {[59001120, Heh heh!]} {[59001200, What? If you've something to say, then say it!]} {[59001210, Just don't say the wrong thing...]} {[59001220, Heh heh heh!]} {[59001300, ...Oh, you!]} {[59001310, You have quite some nerve. Or are you just thick?]} {[59001320, Fine, then. What is it that you need?]} {[59001400, I'll be seeing you.]} {[59001410, If you survive your travels...]} {[59001500, ...Well, you've quite the nerve!]} {[59001510, I've had enough of you!]} {[59001600, Believe it or not,]} {[59001610, Oolacile has brought the Abyss upon itself.]} {[59001620, Fooled by that toothy serpent, they upturned the grave of primeval man, and incited his ornery wrath.]} {[59001630, What could they have been thinking?]} {[59001640, But to you and I, it's all ancient history.]} {[59001650, You have to ask yourself. Does it really matter?]} {[59001660, Heh heh heh...]} {[59005000, Oh! It's come to blows, has it?]} {[59005010, Fine, then. I've had enough of you, anyway!]} {[59005100, What now? You think this my fault?]} {[59005110, How very, very petty of you!]} {[59005120, Very petty, indeed!]} {[59005200, Ooph!]} {[59005210, Erg!]} {[59005220, Oww!]} {[59005230, That bloody hurts!]} {[59005300, There!]} {[59005310, Ah-hah, there!]} {[59005400, What? Now you're feeling the heat?]} {[59005410, You should have thought long and hard...]} {[59005420, Before you sided with a bloody mushroom!]} {[59005430, Nyah hah hah hah hah!]} {[59005500, You damn fool.]} {[59005510, I am Marvellous Chester! What did you expect?]} {[59005600, Hrrg...]} {[59005610, You win...please...]} {[59005620, Oh, please...have mercy...]} {[60000000, ...Human...]} {[60000010, ...Why have you the ring of Artorias?]} {[60000011, ...Why have you the soul of Artorias?]} {[60000020, ...I am Ciaran, and that is a keepsake.]} {[60000100, ...That ring...]} {[60000110, It was purloined by a man in a long coat...]} {[60000120, I know not how you came upon it,]} {[60000130, but its owner met his death here.]} {[60000140, He was a dear companion, and I wish to return the ring to his grave.]} {[60000150, Would you be willing to part with it?]} {[60000200, Thank you. You are very kind.]} {[60000210, Please take this. I no longer need it.]} {[60000220, May the Lord guide thee.]} {[60000300, Yes, of course...]} {[60000310, ...]} {[60000320, ...I must not be presumptuous.]} {[60000330, Artorias would not have approved.]} {[60000400, What is it? Something else?]} {[60000410, Have you changed your mind?]} {[60000500, ...Then you have no business with me...]} {[60000600, ...Are you human?]} {[60000610, ...I forgive you.]} {[60000620, I am here to pay respects to a dear friend.]} {[60000630, Please, allow me a moment alone.]} {[60000700, ...You, is that not...]} {[60000710, The soul of the man who fell on this spot?]} {[60000720, He was a dear friend. I wish to pay proper respect, with that soul.]} {[60000730, Would you be willing to part with it?]} {[60005000, Hmph, you humans...]} {[60005010, ...always taking what you please. Then, I shall do the same.]} {[60005011, ...always resorting to force. Then, I shall do the same.]} {[60005100, Hrk!]} {[60005110, Erg!]} {[60005120, Ooh!]} {[60005200, Hmph, such conceit...]} {[60005210, How did you imagine that the Lord's Blade would not reach you?]} {[60005300, But, how...]} {[60005310, You humans...]} {[61000000, Well, look at this one.]} {[61000010, From what far-away age hast thou come? Thy scent is very human, indeed.]} {[61000020, ...But, not intolerable...]} {[61000030, Ah, Princess Dusk's saviour. Thine aura is precisely as she described.]} {[61000031, Princess Dusk has spoken of thee. Thy aura is precisely as she described.]} {[61000040, I thank thee deeply, for rescuing Her Highness.]} {[61000050, But Princess Dusk is here no longer...]} {[61000060, ...snatched away by that horrifying primeval human.]} {[61000070, And so I must ask... Couldst thou once more play the saviour?]} {[61000100, Thank you.]} {[61000110, I am Elizabeth, guardian of this sanctuary.]} {[61000120, Something of a godmother to Princess Dusk.]} {[61000130, I shall assist thee, to my utmost.]} {[61000140, For I am one with the sorceries of Oolacile.]} {[61000200, Yes, I understand.]} {[61000210, We care dearly for Princess Dusk, and are apt to blur our boundaries.]} {[61000220, I am ashamed to have been so imposing.]} {[61000230, But should thine heart be changed, speak to me again.]} {[61000240, This sanctuary, and the sorceries of Oolacile, are my domain.]} {[61000250, My strength could surely assist thee in thy travels.]} {[61000300, Hast thou reconsidered?]} {[61000310, Such that thou might rescue dear Dusk?]} {[61000400, Yes, yes, of course.]} {[61000410, But shouldst thine heart be changed, speak to me again.]} {[61000500, Thank goodness thou art safe.]} {[61000510, What is thy wish? I offer thee my all.]} {[61000600, Struggling, are we?]} {[61000610, If there is anything I can do, never hesitate to ask.]} {[61000700, I have awaited thee. Thou hast rescued Princess Dusk,]} {[61000710, ...and rid us of that terrible primeval human. Even halting the spread of the Abyss!]} {[61000720, I salute the grandeur of thine enterprise.]} {[61000730, Please, allow me to express my gratitude.]} {[61000740, I thank thee... as do we all.]} {[61000800, May the flames guide thee.]} {[61000900, Thou shalt see further on.]} {[61000910, An abyss was begat of the ancient beast, and threatens to swallow the whole of Oolacile.]} {[61000920, Knight Artorias came to stop this, but such a hero has nary a murmur of Dark.]} {[61000930, Without doubt, he will be swallowed by the Abyss, overcome by its utter blackness.]} {[61000940, ...Indeed, the Abyss may be unstoppable...]} {[61000950, Still I have faith, that Princess Dusk may be rescued yet...]} {[61001000, Thou art from a time far, far ahead.]} {[61001010, There are many things I wish to ask.]} {[61001020, ...But I know that I must not.]} {[61001030, The perils of our time are overwhelming enough.]} {[61001100, Hah hah...Was thine eye, glancing hither?]} {[61001110, Thou needst not hide thy wonder.]} {[61001120, I am a mushroom, after all.]} {[61001130, Hee hee hee...]} {[61001200, Not long ago, I had another visitor.]} {[61001210, A human like thineself, from a far-away time.]} {[61001220, Only, he was dreadfully odious...]} {[61001230, And I am afraid that he is still amongst us.]} {[61001240, He wore a hat and a long black coat...]} {[61001300, I will remember thee, but I will keep thy story to myself.]} {[61001310, This is the best way, for thou art come from a time far ahead.]} {[61001320, No-one will sing thy praises, but yet thy greatness shall live on.]} {[61001330, For it shall be my purpose, to remember all thou hast done for us.]} {[61005000, Ah!]} {[61005010, Ooh!]} {[61005020, Aaah!]} {[61005030, Stop that!]} {[61005040, Please, no!]} {[61005050, Stop!]} {[61005100, Aiieeek!]} {[61005110, Aiieeegh!]} {[61005120, Ooh...aah...]} {[61005130, But, why... Why... Dear Dusk...]}